My experience here has been: overwhelming / challenging / insightful / unforgettable / adventurous / spiritual / unexplainable
The things I will miss are: the laughter of my teammates / costa coffee / sightseeing / the children / cheap prices / traditional clothing
The things I will be happy to leave behind are: the heat / the men / the diarrhea
When I think of returning to the United States, I feel: unprepared / reluctant / nervous
I am really looking forward to: a hot bath / a pedicure / a date with my dad / a hug from my mom / a big bed / a good cry
What does your country look like? historical / modern / colorful / eclectic / littered / overcrowded
What does your country smell like? manure / incense / curry / body odor
What does your country taste like? spicy / strange / delicious
What does your country sound like? horns / shouting vendors / horns / loud techno / horns
What does your country feel like? too effing hot
The remaining 24 hours have been delightful.
- Debriefing with the Wolfs. I am blessed to serve with them.
- I had coffee with Dr. Thom this afternoon. We had an amazing conversation. I was honored that he chose to share his time with me.
- Procrastinating on everything: homework, packing, cleaning
- Our last Indian meal
- The impending auto-rickshaw toy race TONIGHT! I've greased my wheels and I'm ready to defeat my teammates.
It's time for our midnight movie (we have to get a taxi at 3:00am because our flight is at 7:55am). This is it from my side of the world. Thank you for your tireless support. My gratitude has only increased throughout these past few weeks. I wish I could fully convey what you have given to me. I love you and I will see you soon enough. Namaste.
Amy boyd... there is too much too say... Im up for a good cry anytime! I look forward to sitting with you in silence over coffee... XOXOXO
I'm ready to hug you and hear all about it...hurry home, safe and sound amysboyd.
Amy S. Boyd: I prayed for you just now, and I am guessing you are probably on a plane somewhere between India and the USofA. I cannot WAIT to see you and I'll be looking forward to our coffee dates commencing in a few week's time. Love you, Roomie!
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