

We were given a debriefing exercise to write down our thoughts as we prepare to exit the country and reenter America. I've decided to share a few of my responses.

My experience here has been: overwhelming / challenging / insightful / unforgettable / adventurous / spiritual / unexplainable

The things I will miss are: the laughter of my teammates / costa coffee / sightseeing / the children / cheap prices / traditional clothing

The things I will be happy to leave behind are: the heat / the men / the diarrhea

When I think of returning to the United States, I feel: unprepared / reluctant / nervous

I am really looking forward to: a hot bath / a pedicure / a date with my dad / a hug from my mom / a big bed / a good cry

What does your country look like? historical / modern / colorful / eclectic / littered / overcrowded
What does your country smell like? manure / incense / curry / body odor
What does your country taste like? spicy / strange / delicious
What does your country sound like? horns / shouting vendors / horns / loud techno / horns
What does your country feel like? too effing hot

The remaining 24 hours have been delightful.

  • Debriefing with the Wolfs. I am blessed to serve with them.
  • I had coffee with Dr. Thom this afternoon. We had an amazing conversation. I was honored that he chose to share his time with me.
  • Procrastinating on everything: homework, packing, cleaning
  • Our last Indian meal
  • The impending auto-rickshaw toy race TONIGHT! I've greased my wheels and I'm ready to defeat my teammates.

It's time for our midnight movie (we have to get a taxi at 3:00am because our flight is at 7:55am). This is it from my side of the world. Thank you for your tireless support. My gratitude has only increased throughout these past few weeks. I wish I could fully convey what you have given to me. I love you and I will see you soon enough. Namaste.


Anonymous said...

Amy boyd... there is too much too say... Im up for a good cry anytime! I look forward to sitting with you in silence over coffee... XOXOXO

RobinDayle said...

I'm ready to hug you and hear all about it...hurry home, safe and sound amysboyd.

Erin Wood said...

Amy S. Boyd: I prayed for you just now, and I am guessing you are probably on a plane somewhere between India and the USofA. I cannot WAIT to see you and I'll be looking forward to our coffee dates commencing in a few week's time. Love you, Roomie!